Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Expectancy - The Key to 100% Goal Achievement

Expectancy - The Key to 100% Goal Achievement...

Expectancy... What does this term conjure up in your head when you hear it? Here's what Websters has to say...

Main Entry: ex·pec·tan·cy

Pronunciation: \-tən(t)-sē\

Function: noun

Inflected Form(s): plural ex·pec·tan·cies

Date: 1600

1 a : the act, action, or state of expecting expectancy that getting on any train gives us — John Updike> b : the state of being expected expectancy slightly greater than usual>

2 a : something expected expectancy> b : the expected amount (as of the number of years of life) based on statistical probability expectancy>

I like definiton 2a - something expected. But what does it mean to expect something... Another definition may help...

Main Entry: ex·pect Pronunciation: \ik-ˈspekt\

Function: verb

Etymology: Latin exspectare to look forward to, from ex- + spectare to look at, frequentative of specere to look — more at spy

Date: 1560

intransitive verb

1.1 archaic : wait, stay

1.2 : to look forward

1.3 : to be pregnant : await the birth of one's child —used in progressive tenses expecting next month>

transitive verb

2.1 archaic : await

2.2 : to anticipate or look forward to the coming or occurrence of expect them any minute now>

2.3 : suppose, think

2.4 a : to consider probable or certain b : to consider reasonable, due, or necessary c : to consider bound in duty or obligated expect you to pay your bills>

Now we are getting someplace... For purposes of this post, definitions 1.3 and 2.4a hit the nail on the head. You see, expectancy, as a principle in Goal Achievement, means "to believe", really BELIEVE that you possess the goal you seek in its full realization from the very moment of conception of the idea of the goal (with a deadline for its achievement) that is firmly held in your conscious thought.

This means, to become a 100% Goal Achiever you must fully internalize this belief... and expect to receive your goal without a doubt. Just as a woman who misses a menstrual cycle and has a positive EPT immediately knows with all her being that in due time she is going to deliver / receive a new baby, and is said to be and "expectant" mother, you must know with the same level of certainty that you are an "expectant" goal achiever!

When this is the case, a couple of things happen. First, the expectant mother begins to prepare to receive the child that she is anticipating. She is so confident that the child will arrive in due time (usually at least 7 - 8 months hence), that she begins to make preparations to receive HER baby. This takes the form of purchasing something to "receive" her goal (oh, I mean baby) in - a "receiving blanket", new born undergarments, diapers, etc... She will also set in motion a variety of more serious preparations such as painting a room for the nursery, purchasing nursery furniture, and in some cases even moving to a larger home, or buying a larger car to accommodate the expected new arrival. Why does she do all of these things? Because she is 100% confident and EXPECTS that she will deliver /receive HER child in due time, and her actions REINFORCE this expectancy…

Let me ask you a question. Once you've conceived a goal with a deadline for its attainment, do you actions reflect your expectancy, your trust, your belief, your faith? Or do they operated against your goal? Be honest with yourself. You see, you will never bring about a thing by doing the opposite of what is required to make it so...

Wow, this is powerful! Once the seed has been planted and conception has taken place, when we operate with expectancy, expectancy takes control, and all actions and behaviors - eating, sleeping, drinking, preparation, (sometimes called nesting) - reinforce the woman's expectancy, and that of the father too! What's even more interesting is the level of confidence that the expectant mother has that the child growing inside the womb is 100% real, just as real as the moment after delivery will be when it is birthed into the external, physical form world! (more about birthing in a later post... stay tuned)...

And so it must be with your goal achievement if you are to achieve your goals. If you want something in particular you must do something in particular, you must "expect" to receive your goal in physical form reality in due time. You must trust, you must believe, you must have faith - all of which lead to confidence - that confident assurance that what you seek will be yours. This is completely in line with the law of "seed time and harvest" (one of the 8 laws of goal achievement that I teach)

So the next time you set a goal with a clear deadline for its achievement, at that moment realize that you become "pregnant" with your goal. To avoid miscarriage (failure) from that point forward, you must do the things that will help your goal mature to the point of delivery. From that point forward you must act as if you already possess the goal you seek, and you must commence making preparations to receive it. You must go forward with expectancy, and you will receive your goal...

Until next time when we will talk about birthing your goal this is Mark J., Lifestyle Transformation Coach and Fellow Goal Achiever

P.S. if you found this post interesting and valuable, please share it with a couple of friends. Also, for short Goal Achievement tips, optionally delivered straight to your cell phone in SMS Text Messages, follow me at

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